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treatment of varicose veins

No surgery • No general or spinal anesthesia
No stitches and scars • No hospital stay

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about us

Varix Clinic – a leading vein center in Eastern Europe

Varix Clinic is a leading vein treatment center situated in Sofia, Bulgaria specialized in diagnostic, treatment and prevention of varicose veins and related vein conditions. We offer only the best and the most effective non-surgical treatment according to European and World standards. In our daily work we apply the most modern minimally invasive treatment methods – without the need for a hospital stay and long recovery time, without the need for general or spinal anesthesia, without stitches and disfiguring scars.

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Your vein health is our top priority!

    #1 Varicose Veins Treatment Clinic in Bulgaria

    High quality treatment at a reasonable price. Because we know how and why!


    endovenous laser ablations


    sclerotherapy procedures


    satisfied patients


    treatment success

    CLaCS - Cryolaser cryosclerotherapy
    The best treatment method in the world for spider and cosmetic veins

    Complex approach for the treatment of varicose veins

    In our daily work we apply only the most modern and effective minimally invasive vein treatment methods

    Initial Vein
    Expert Consultation

    The first step to successful treatment of varicose veins is the consultation with a competent vein specialist.

    Vein duplex ultrasound scan & Treatment planning

    Our vein specialists will perform a comprehensive scan to the venous system of your both legs with high quality ultrasound equipment. Then we will discuss with you all the treatment options if you need it and finally your personalised treatment plan will be prepared.

    Walk-In Walk-Out varicose veins treatment

    Our procedures usually takes less than an hour and the patients are on their feet on the same day immediately after the treatment.

    Varicose veins non-surgical treatment methods

    Our vein experts apply only the most modern and effective minimally invasive methods for the treatment of varicose veins.

    NOTE! Conservative treatment with drugs, gels, creams and compression stockings has only a relieving and temporary effect, but does not lead to the healing of varicose veins!

    Endovenous laser ablation (EVLA/ELVeS)

    Sclerotherapy with tumescent anesthesia and augmented reality (TASAR Cryo by Dr. Angel Radev)


    Cryolaser cryosclerotherapy (CLaCS)

    Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy (USGFS)


    Transluminal occlusion/Percutaneous ablation of perforating veins (TRLOP)

    Mechano-chemical ablation (MOCA - ClariVein)


    Compression therapy

    Our patients reviews

    Trusted by


    over 300 reviews on

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    We’ve collected some of the question we hear the most often. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.

    In the most usual cases the best period is 5-7 days depending on what will be the treatment plan.

    A sclerotherapy procedure lasts about 20 to 40 minutes, while laser ablation takes about 30-50 minutes, depending on whether one or both legs are being treated.

    You do not need to be absent from work, as the procedures are outpatient, without the need for a hospital stay, i.e. you come, we carry out the treatment and you leave, and the very next day you can return to your usual work duties, unless they are related to performing heavy physical labor.

    Yes, moderate movement is definitely needed. Immediately after each procedure, you should take about 30 minutes for a walk. Our recommendation is to take 30 minutes a day for a walk in the next 5-7 days after the treatment. More serious physical exertion and heavy physical work should be avoided for a period of about 1 month after treatment.

    The number of procedures is individual and mainly depends on the volume and number of varicose veins. In order to achieve an optimal result, about 3-4 procedures are most often needed, and in more severe cases, even 6 or more sessions may be needed. Of course, in some cases, although less often, even 1 or 2 procedures are enough to achieve the desired result.

    The only thing that is felt during the procedures are the pricks on the skin, which do not cause severe pain. It is important to know that the level of pain is strictly individual, as each patient has a different pain threshold.

    Yes, wearing medical elastic stockings after each procedure is an important condition for good final treatment results. Your doctor will decide how long you should wear them.
